Women’s claims of sexual abuse must be heard – unless they’re about master storyteller Neil Gaiman, apparently | Marina Hyde

It’s easy to process allegations against textbook scumbags like Harvey Weinstein. When it is beloved authors and ‘allies’, less so

Draw near, allies, for these are dark days for “kink-shaming”. At best, this is one of the whiniest, most pathetic and least helpful phrases to have entered the parlance of modern times – and at worst, it’s just another guy’s excuse for sexual abuse. It’s confusing. You try to be modern and post-conventional, and you end up enabling the most old-fashioned and conventional nastinesses of all.

Still, thank heavens for the parade of embattled famous men fighting kink-shaming’s corner. I have just one thing to say to all the lady authors, lady pop stars and lady actors out there. And that is: if you haven’t had an eye-wateringly expensive lawyer draft a statement about how consensual your sex with a tormented junior was, then are you really properly creative at all?

Marina Hyde is a Guardian columnist

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